Top Universities in the UK to pursue Earth Science

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Earth Science is one of the branches of science that deals with the study of the physical attributes of the Earth and its atmosphere. There are four basic fields of earth science - meteorology, geology, astronomy, and oceanography. There are exciting career opportunities that you can get from an Earth Science Degree. 


There is unparalleled importance in studying Earth Science which can help to reduce or minimize some serious threats like earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, and much more. These are some of the basic problems which are caused due to rapid change in our climate by known and unknown human activities. There are many other issues, like depleting resources and finding an alternate source for a sustainable environment.


The uniqueness of Earth Science


The wide array of topics under earth science makes the field unique and special. Earth Science considers the knowledge from ecology, mathematics, biology, physics, and chemistry, and thus this course tends to be more practical. Our planet Earth is characteristically a dynamic system. This degree offers a cohesive and interdisciplinary method to understand our planet and apply knowledge from the above streams to solve intricate issues.


A degree in Earth science will empower us to think universally and act locally. It will help to make precise decisions about issues that affect our lives. One who gains knowledge in earth science can debate and give resolutions to the issues of clean water, global climate change, use of natural resources, and make other informed decisions. If we can better understand the circumstances affecting human life, such as drought, tsunamis, and various other severe weather phenomena, one can avoid loss of life and food. All these events can be forecasted only if it has been well researched. You can be one of the saviors if you diligently complete your Ph.D. degree in earth science.


This degree is getting extremely significant and demanded in today's and upcoming generation, as our planet and civilization are facing some of the major challenges we have ever come across.


Top 10 Universities to pursue a degree in Earth Science


If you are looking to pursue your career in Earth Science at top Universities in the United Kingdom, then you have landed on the right page. The below section will give you an overview of the top 10 universities in the UK from where one can pursue their Ph.D. in Earth Science. 


1)   University of Oxford, Oxford – It is one of the top-ranked universities in the world. The department has distinguished faculties to help the student understand the subject in a practical and much better way. The teaching labs are well equipped with the best resources to get the real feel of the discoveries. Students will be trained to build the required skill to interpret the subject alongside applying theoretical knowledge. 


2)   University Of Cambridge, Cambridge – Earth Science department of Cambridge University will give you the best education with deep insight into research work. They have renowned faculties to take care of the students so that you can excel in your career. Students can easily get a summer internship and ease of recruitment. You will be given assignments to solve practical problems and, in the process, upgrade yourself in your specific field.


3)   University of Leeds, Leeds – With a proven track record, this University has the best resource for environmental research. This university has a flexible plan for online courses. The student at the university comes from diverse background and cultures, which shows the culture of inclusiveness. They have strong connections with the industry and government agencies to ensure the relevance of the topics taught.


4)   University Of Bristol, Bristol – This University has one of the best international links and researchers from around the globe. They have made huge investments in their laboratories and resources to give the best guidance to the students. They offer an Alumni discount to eligible students on the course fees. You will be able to meet students across the globe with various cultures and backgrounds.


5)   University Of Birmingham, Birmingham – This University is accredited by the Geological Society of London. It has diverse programs in several spheres of earth science. The students will get a chance to get into the fieldwork for a better understanding of the theoretical knowledge. You will upskill yourself through a unique way of learning and gaining practical knowledge in labs and on-site trips.


6)   University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh – Also known as the 'birthplace' of earth science, this university has one of the best groups of geographers and environmental scientists. They have a very strong element of practical knowledge and fieldwork in some of the best locations. They have won many prestigious awards for their research work. Students will gain from the knowledge, expertise, and experience of the faculties. 


7)   Queen Mary, University of London, London – At Queen Mary, you will be guided and taught by the faculties with the best analytical skills and profound knowledge in the discipline. Through the fieldwork, you will develop innovative, practical skills by studying the models and samples. You will develop your skills to analyze and solve the given problems.  


8)   Newcastle University, Newcastle – With Cutting-edge research work, this university is the pioneer for research and training which impacts society and the planet. Students will have access to the world's best Houston lab to upgrade their practical skills and knowledge. Your degree will be shaped by focusing on the latest theories and research. Students will enjoy a unique learning experience as they will be able to explore diverse and exhilarating locations. 


9)   Cardiff University, Cardiff – Accredited by the Geological Society, this university has set the highest standards in education and research. This university provides the full potential to the students to develop their skills through industrial placements, field trips, seminars, workshops, tutorials, and a high standard of teaching. The teaching approach is a mix of practical and theoretical knowledge.


10)   Imperial College London – This College puts more emphasis on the knowledge gained through fieldwork. Their research is focused on thoughtful considerations of the fundamental process that happens on the planet earth and its neighborhood. The college employs the best and most renowned geoscientists to shape your career in Earth Science through their discoveries and practical knowledge. If you are stuck with the assignment, you can connect with assignment help experts and get all the bases covered.

Thus, studying in the best universities will help you gain knowledge from the best faculties, better research work, field trips for practical experience, and other unique ways of learning and honing your skills. You will get the best placements through which you can help the environment.


For a better future for yourself and society, be the future changer by studying the course on earth science that will empower you with the skill and practical knowledge to make the impact that matters on our planet's biggest issue. You will get the experience of working with the best scientist and modern labs to solve the complex issues that surround us. 

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