Popular P2E games

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There are several P2E game genres available in the market. A user only needs to ensure what their gaming type is.

There are several P2E game genres available in the market. A user only needs to ensure what their gaming type is. Card, battling, breeding, collecting, and other games are currently on the roll. A few of them are mentioned below.


The Sandbox

A Metaverse-based gaming platform where players can not only battle against each other but also explore the lands and buy or sell them for fiat money. It is a 2D world with lands as NFTs. Players can create their own space and partake in decisions. 


Axie Infinity

Want a better version of Pokemon? Axie Infinity is your game. In the Axie infinity world, players must battle their Axies against each other. As players level up, they’ll be rewarded with Smooth Love Potion and Axie Infinity Shards (governance tokens) that can be traded for fiat money.


Gods Unchained

If you are a fan of strategizing your moves and playing smart, this is your gameplay. Gods Unchained is where you can build your next move and play cards to fight the opponent's decks. The best part of this game is that it also has a free-to-play option. You can stake GODS, the native currency, to earn voting points.



A 3d Metaverse gaming allows players to bet on lands, estates, wearables, names, and avatars and own those virtual assets as NFTs. These can then be traded on the marketplace for fiat money.


With the advancement of gaming, people could adjust to NFT-based P2E gaming. However, the learn-to-earn aspect was still very new to the public. Let’s focus on the learn-to-earn method of secondary income.

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