Employee safety precautions when using Laser measuring system for surface flatness measurement

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Surface flatness measurement using a laser device has become the accepted choice in these industries, but special precautions need to be taken by employees while using these devices.

In this age of advanced manufacturing and tight performance testing, even the minimal deviation from product specifications can cause item failure or rejection. For this reason, it is necessary that manufacturing units use special measurement devices like a laser measuring system. These systems can make a lot of difference in specialized applications, particularly aviation and space tech, where uneven surfaces can create multiple problems. Surface flatness measurement using a laser device has become the accepted choice in these industries, but special precautions need to be taken by employees while using these devices.

Surface Flatness Measurement

It is very important that the equipment meant for surface flatness measurement is stored properly in a safe box where it is not easily accessible to everyone. Laser safety glasses should also be placed nearby. Any person needing to use the device should be given access by a responsible person well-trained in device safety. This will also prevent risk of loss due to equipment damage. The next thing is that appropriate signage must be deployed in all areas where such equipment is being used. This signage should clearly say that a laser device is being operated in this area, and all personnel must be mindful of the same at all times. In fact, such signage is a good way to ensure that non-essential personnel do not come into the area and become exposed to unwanted radiation. Deploying appropriate signage can save you a lot of money in both legal and medical costs, as it is considered important by courts that employers ensure a safe work environment.

Laser Measuring System

Regular training and skill enhancement is the key to safety and efficiency of employees involved in the use of a laser measuring system. While many aspects of the system may be automated or computerized, a well-trained operator can perform more tasks at the same time and in a safer manner. However, it is very essential that operators wear laser safety glasses while using these devices. As they use highly powerful laser beams, these devices have the power to severely damage the eyes of the operator if they are naked for long hours of usage. In many cases, the laser might actually not be visible at all! Thus, laser safety glasses are an absolute must for workers using laser-based devices in manufacturing facilities. Furthermore, even experienced operators should be given refresher courses on a regular basis, just to reinforce their skills and their commitment to the operational safety and health of all personnel around them.

Source- https://www.newstowns.com/employee-safety-precautions-when-using-laser-measuring-system-for-surface-flatness-measurement/

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