What are benefits of Private desert safari Dubai?

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A private desert safari in Dubai is an experience that every tourist should try. It offers privacy, exclusivity and personalized attention from your guide.

Dubai is a city of wonders, filled with endless opportunities for adventure. And if you're looking for an experience that's truly unique and exhilarating, then a private desert safari is just what you need! Imagine exploring the vast expanse of sand dunes in your very own 4x4 vehicle, witnessing breathtaking sunsets over the horizon and enjoying traditional Arabic hospitality under the starry night sky. It's an experience like no other that will leave you with memories to last a lifetime. But what exactly is a private desert safari? And why should you choose it over other options? Keep reading to find out!

What is a Private Desert Safari?

A private Desert safari is a personalized and exclusive experience in the Arabian desert. Unlike shared tours, you have the freedom to customize your itinerary and enjoy a more intimate adventure with friends or family.

The tour starts from your doorstep as you will be picked up by a private vehicle that takes you to the heart of Dubai's golden sands. Here, you'll experience an array of activities such as dune bashing, camel riding, sandboarding, henna painting, falconry displays and much more.

You can also enjoy traditional Arabic cuisine while sitting under starlit skies at a Bedouin-inspired campsite. The entire journey is facilitated by experienced guides who ensure safety and comfort throughout the trip.

Since it’s only for your group or party size (usually 4-6 people), there are no strangers around to cramp your style making it one of those once in a lifetime experiences that everyone should try!

The Benefits of a Private Desert Safari

A Private Desert Safari in Dubai is an awe-inspiring experience that provides visitors with a unique opportunity to explore the vast Arabian desert. Unlike traditional group tours, private safaris offer a more personalized and intimate experience for travelers.

One of the main benefits of booking a private desert safari is exclusivity. By reserving your own vehicle, you have the freedom to customize your itinerary according to your interests and preferences. Whether you want to focus on wildlife spotting or dune bashing, you can design your safari tour accordingly.

Another significant benefit of a private desert safari is flexibility. With no fixed schedules or time constraints, you can enjoy the beauty of the desert at your own pace and take as much time as needed in each location. Additionally, if there are specific sites that interest you, such as cultural landmarks or historical sites – they will be incorporated into your tour.

Privacy is another key advantage when it comes to booking a private desert safari. You do not need to share space with other groups or individuals – instead, it's just you and those traveling with you in complete comfort and luxury which makes it perfect for couples seeking romance during their trip!

What to Expect on a Private Desert Safari

When you book a private desert safari in Dubai, get ready to embark on an adventure like no other. While the experience may vary depending on the operator, there are some things that you can generally expect on your trip.

Be prepared for a thrilling ride as you venture into the sand dunes aboard a 4x4 vehicle driven by an experienced and skilled driver. Brace yourself for sudden dips, twists and turns as your car navigates through the sandy terrain.

As you reach your destination within the desert, take in panoramic views of endless sand dunes stretching out before you. You'll have plenty of opportunities to snap breathtaking photos against this stunning backdrop.

Once the sun begins to set, prepare yourself for another highlight of your trip - watching a picturesque sunset over the desert horizon while sipping on traditional Arabic coffee or tea. Afterward, indulge in a sumptuous BBQ dinner under starry skies at a campsite where cultural performances such as belly dancing will entertain you throughout your evening.

In short, expect nothing less than an exhilarating experience filled with adventure and wonder when booking a private desert safari tour in Dubai!

How to Choose the Right Private Desert Safari Operator

When it comes to choosing the right private desert safari operator in Dubai, there are a few key factors that you should consider. First and foremost, you'll want to look for an operator with experience and a proven track record of providing high-quality experiences for their customers.

Another important factor to consider is the range of services offered by the operator. Do they offer a variety of packages and activities that appeal to your interests? Are they able to accommodate any special requests or requirements that you may have?

It's also important to look at the level of customer service provided by the operator. Will they be responsive and communicative throughout the planning process? Do they have knowledgeable staff who can answer any questions or concerns you may have?

Additionally, it's worth checking out reviews from past customers to get an idea of what their experiences were like. Were they satisfied with their trip overall? Did they encounter any issues along the way?

Finding the right private desert safari operator requires doing your research and carefully considering all available options before making a decision.


To sum it up, a Private desert safari in Dubai is an experience unlike any other. It offers exclusivity, flexibility and privacy that are unmatched by group tours. You get to enjoy the beauty of the vast desert landscape at your own pace without worrying about anyone else's needs or preferences.

The benefits of a private desert safari are numerous: from having your own personal guide to being able to customize the itinerary according to your liking, you'll have complete control over how you spend your time in the Arabian wilderness.

But remember, choosing the right operator is key. Do your research beforehand and make sure you opt for a reputable company with experienced guides who prioritize safety and customer satisfaction.

So go ahead and indulge yourself in this luxurious adventure – a private desert safari will leave you with memories that will last a lifetime!

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