Lifeasible Released an Exclusive Qualitative and Quantitative Pollen Composition Analysis Service

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Lifeasible, a comprehensive phytotechnology company that provides accurate testing and analysis services related to plant pollen, released an exclusive qualitative and quantitative pollen composition analysis service.

Lifeasible, a comprehensive phytotechnology company that provides accurate testing and analysis services related to plant pollen, released an exclusive qualitative and quantitative pollen composition analysis service.


Pollen can be used to prevent cardiovascular disease, maintain the proper functioning of the nervous system, encourage the growth of endocrine glands, and relieve fatigue. Diabetes, kidney stones, gastritis, hepatitis, anemia, insomnia, neurasthenia, bronchitis, prostatitis, and cardiovascular diseases can all be treated with it. An essential criterion for evaluating pollen's nutritional value and a crucial foundation for pollen medicinal research is the qualitative and content testing of various nutrients in pollen.


As a result, the analysis and testing of various components in pollen are critical, whether for pollen nutrition research, pollen medicinal research, or pollen food safety assessment.


With the commitment to providing highly accurate, detailed, and short-cycle analysis of pollen components, team of experienced scientists at Lifeasible can provide qualitative and quantitative services for analyzing various nutrients, pharmacologically active substances, and pesticide contamination in pollen.


Service Range

  • Pesticide Residue Testing • Amino Acid Content Testing
  • Microbial Contamination Detection • Mineral Elements Content Testing
  • Medicinal Active Ingredient Analysis • Flavonoids Content Testing
  • Moisture Content Analysis • Enzyme Content Testing
  • Vitamin Content Testing • Sterols Content Testing
  • Carbohydrate Content Testing • Phenolic Acid Content Testing

A wide range of instruments and testing platforms including HPLC, HPIC, HPGC, and ELISA are here to ensure the reliable test results of all pollen types and pollen components.


“We are always committed to providing highly accurate, detailed, and short-cycle analysis of pollen components. Our knowledgeable team of botanical experts will match your assay with the best analytical method. With the aid of our specialists, any customization for special needs can be fulfilled using our adaptable and scalable technology platform.” commented Isla, one of the representative speakers from Lifeasible.


Detailed information about the pollen composition testing service provided by Lifeasible can be viewed here:


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