A Comprehensive Comparison of MetaMask vs Coinbase Wallet

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As they both are the best and most popular crypto wallets, but there are some differences
in the comparisons of MetaMask vs Coinbase wallet that makes a choice to use between
both. In our further content, we will do a comparison of MetaMask and Coinbase wallets on
a different b

MetaMask and Coinbase Wallet are the two most popular and trustworthy cryptocurrency wallets in the world of crypto. MetaMask is a decentralized and non-custodial software-based cryptocurrency wallet that comes with vast features and Web3 applications. Its vast features and Web3 applications support makes it the best option to choose for those who desire to create dApps on Ethereum (ETH) based blockchain. On the other hand, the Coinbase wallet is a self-custody type cryptocurrency wallet that gives complete control over assets to its users. It comes with a user-friendly interface and allows flawless navigation and easy access to assets for its users.

As they both are the best and most popular crypto wallets, but there are some differences in the comparisons of MetaMask vs Coinbase wallet that makes a choice to use between both. In our further content, we will do a comparison of MetaMask and Coinbase wallets on a different basis. 

Comparison of MetaMask and Coinbase Wallet: 

On the Basis of Pros Cons:

In our MetaMask vs Coinbase wallet comparison, let’s first look at the Pros and cons of MetaMask and Coinbase wallet.

MetaMask wallet Pros: 

  1. It is a Non-custodial wallet and open-source software.
  2. Available on various popular web browsers.
  3. It supports ERC-20 tokens and dApps (decentralized applications) on an Ethereum-based blockchain.
  4. Comes with a user-friendly interface, design, and is easy to use for new users.
  5. Automatic account backup.

MetaMask wallet Cons:

  1. Security concerns, as it is a hot wallet.
  2. Only supports ERC 20 and Ethereum tokens

Coinbase wallet Pros:

  1. It is a Self-custodial wallet.
  2. Offers mobile applications for both Android and Apple users.
  3. Supports a wide range of available cryptocurrencies in the market.
  4. It is compatible with other BIP39 wallets.

Coinbase wallet Cons:

  1. Security concerns, as it is a hot wallet.
  2. Supports limited Non-Fungible tokens (NFTs).
  3. Transaction fees are higher.


On the Basis of Security:

Security is the main thing to be considered when it comes to Cryptocurrency wallets. In the Comparison of MetaMask vs Coinbase wallet on the basis of security, we get to know that, both MetaMask and Coinbase wallets take security very seriously and offer solid security features. MetaMask uses a 12-word seed phrase to secure the wallet from unauthorized access. On the other hand, the Coinbase wallet relies on private keys.

On the Basis of Supported Cryptocurrencies:

In the comparison of MetaMask vs Coinbase wallet on the basis of supported cryptocurrencies we get to know that, MetaMask wallet supports all tokens based on Ethereum-based blockchain network. On the other hand, Coinbase wallet supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, and other ERC20 tokens.


In our above content, we have covered some topics such as an introduction to MetaMask and Coinbase Wallet, a Comparison of MetaMask vs Coinbase Wallet on the basis of pros and Cons, Security, and supported cryptocurrencies. Both wallets are popular in the crypto market and have unique features and benefits. Users should consider their requirements and needs when they have to choose between MetaMask and Coinbase Wallet.


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