Why Venkys and not Steve Kean are respon

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Why Venkys and not Steve Kean are respon

In the last few weeks, Blackburn Rovers fans have been going to different lengths in order to convey their disgust that Steve Kean is still the Blackburn Rovers manager. Protest marches, letters, petitions and a sit-in after the 4-0 defeat at home to Manchester City, which saw a last half an hour which was littered with Kean Out chants Carlos Rodon Jersey bellowing around a rapidly-emptying stadium.And lets be frank; the desperate attempts to get Steve Kean out are understandable, his appointment was confusing and made no sense, and it has proved an incorrect appointment in that his win record is frankly abysmal, and would lead to relegation over the course of a full season. However, whereas supporters may feel they can convince the owners Venkys to relieve Kean of his duties, it should not be lost that Venkys deserve to foot the majority of the blame. After all, they appointed him in acrimonious circumstances, and have decided to continue to back him, despite his record proving that he is completely out of his depth as a Premier League manager.Some outsiders may fail to understand that the flak Kean is currently receiving is perhaps perfectly understandable, and to be frank, perfectly fair. He has at this stage won barely above 20% of his Premier League games, and there is a catalogue of reasons for this. His signings, although at times promising, have failed to plug the gaps in the Rovers squad. The organization and fitne s levels of the team seem to be deteriorating by each pa sing match, and he seems unable to motivate the squad or make game changing substitutions. It is clear that although he was Reynaldo Lopez Jersey a reputable coach, he lacks the required skills that are needed to be the man in charge.However, would you really quit if you were him? Thought not. Despite claims that he is morally wrong to not resign as Rovers manager, he is now a Premier League manager on what will undoubtedly be a generous pay package. If he quits, he will mi s out on a potential pay out, and due to his results, reputation and inexperience, he will struggle to get a decent managerial challenge in the future. Putting things into perspective, the responsibility is at the feet of Venkys and Mrs Desai in particular Ivan Nova Jersey to remove Steve Kean from his position as Rovers bo s.So now we look at Venkys, and their year in charge which has been riddled with a series of errors. The way they have listened and trusted agents is gullible to the extreme. Their PR attempts have been laughed at, with ridiculous claims of Champions League football, signings such as Ronaldinho, Beckham and Raul, whilst an advert which saw Rovers players tucking into chicken amused people acro s the globe. Maybe Venkys are too concerned about advertising their own company, because is there such thing as bad publicity? But their main mistake was surely sacking an established manager half way through a season, before replacing him with his first team coach. Bizarre in the extreme.However Venkys seem more than willing to hide behind the excuse that they are new to football. They are still learning. However they have brought on the problems themselves. As soon as they took over, they went about overhauling the club, meaning that trustworthy footballing men such as John Williams and Tom Finn, amongst others, where slowly eased out of the club. Venkys will argue that they wanted to put their own stamp on proceedings, however replacing them with either family members or at times no-one at all, depending on agents in the mean-time, showed that they lacked a strategy, lacked direction and lacked a plan.However in any line of busine s, if you are learning it is simple and obvious that you surround yourself with experts in your line of trade to ensure you minimize mistakes and maximise efficiency and profitability. Venkys did the opposite. Football is an industry in which the margin of error is often small, and time to learn on the job is rarely afforded at all.However, the remaining people within the club that understand how football works will have surely alerted the owners to Steve Keans woeful record in charge as manager, giving them food for thought. Also Venkys will surely have gauged the fans opinion of Kean following recent results, especially as the protests were discu sed and showcased throughout various media streams that will have surely Blank Jersey found their way back to India.So why exactly do they continue to blindly back him, knowing that his record is so poor and that the fans are so determined to drive him out? Is he aware of something that Venky Michael Kopech Jersey s have done which could potentially cause a lot of trouble? Are the links between Keans agency and the club really THAT strong? Can Venkys not afford to pay him off? Are they unwilling to admit appointing Kean was a mistake? Who knows, but if they continue to back him they need to realise they will be held responsible if the club continues to falter.And if Rovers are unable to climb out of the relegation zone, and if Steve Kean continues in the Rovers hot-seat, the fans may well decide to relax their hostility towards Kean and divert their attention towards directing their displeasure at the owners. After all, they would deserve to foot the blame for what is a potentially critical situation.It is fair to say that Steve Kean is a large symptom of the sizeable problem at Blackburn Rovers. However, perhaps Venkys are the problem.
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