Experience the Best Desert Safari in Dubai

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As part of your desert safari experience, you'll also get to enjoy a delicious barbecue dinner under the stars while watching live entertainment such as belly dancers or fire shows. You may even have the opportunity to dress up in traditional Emirati clothing for photos.


Dubai is known for its luxurious shopping, towering skyscrapers, and world-class restaurants. However, it's the desert safari in Dubai that truly captures the essence of this glamorous city. Imagine riding through sand dunes on a camel, watching traditional belly dancers perform under the stars, or even driving a 4x4 vehicle through the sandy terrain Camel Trekking Dubai. It's an experience you won't forget! In this blog post, we'll dive into everything you need to know about experiencing the best desert safari in Dubai – from what to expect to how to choose the right tour for your needs. Get ready for an adventure of a lifetime!

What is a Desert Safari?

A desert safari in Dubai is an adventure that takes you out of the city and into the heart of the Arabian Desert. It's a chance to experience traditional Emirati culture, from camel riding to shisha smoking. Most safaris include transportation to and from your hotel, as well as activities like dune bashing (a thrilling ride over sand dunes), quad biking, and even sandboarding.

As part of your desert safari experience, you'll also get to enjoy a delicious barbecue dinner under the stars while watching live entertainment such as belly dancers or fire shows. You may even have the opportunity to dress up in traditional Emirati clothing for photos.

Desert safaris are available year-round but can be particularly enjoyable during cooler months when temperatures are more comfortable. Depending on which tour you choose, you may opt for a morning or evening excursion – each offers its own unique set of experiences.

Ultimately, a desert safari is not just an adventure; it's an opportunity to immerse yourself in local culture and create memories that will last a lifetime!

What to Expect on a Desert Safari in Dubai

When it comes to desert safaris in Dubai, there is a lot to expect from this thrilling adventure. First and foremost, be prepared for a bumpy ride as you navigate through the sand dunes in a 4x4 vehicle driven by an experienced driver.

As you make your way through the desert, you'll witness stunning scenery of endless sand dunes that stretch out before you. You might even catch glimpses of local wildlife like Arabian oryx and gazelles along the way.

Once you arrive at the campsite, get ready to immerse yourself in Arabic culture with traditional activities such as henna painting, shisha smoking and belly dancing performances. And don't forget about camel riding! Experience Camel Trekking Dubai during sunrise or sunset for breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

Afterwards, indulge in a delicious buffet dinner featuring authentic Middle Eastern cuisine while enjoying live music under the stars. End your night by stargazing into the clear night sky before heading back to civilization.

Expect an unforgettable experience filled with adventure, culture and natural beauty on your desert safari in Dubai.

The Different Types of Desert Safaris in Dubai

When it comes to experiencing a desert safari in Dubai, there are several different types to choose from depending on your interests and preferences. One of the most popular options is the standard 4x4 dune bashing adventure, where you'll be taken on a thrilling ride across the sandy terrain.

For those who prefer a more traditional experience, camel trekking is an excellent choice. This allows you to travel through the desert at a slower pace while enjoying stunning views of the landscape. You can even opt for an overnight camel trek and sleep under the stars in Bedouin-style tents.

If you're interested in learning more about local culture and traditions, then consider booking a cultural desert safari tour. This will give you the opportunity to visit a Bedouin campsite, watch traditional performances such as belly dancing and tanoura shows, and enjoy Arabic coffee and dates.

For adrenaline junkies seeking something truly unique, quad biking or sandboarding may be just what you're looking for. Quad biking allows you to race over sand dunes on powerful ATVs while sandboarding lets you surf down them like waves.

Ultimately, choosing which type of desert safari in Dubai suits your needs depends entirely on your personal tastes. No matter which one you go with though, there's no denying that this incredibly picturesque city offers some of the world's best experiences when it comes to exploring its beautiful deserts!

What to Wear on a Desert Safari in Dubai

When going on a desert safari in Dubai, it is important to wear appropriate clothing that will help protect you from the harsh desert environment. Here are some tips on what to wear during your desert adventure.

Firstly, choose lightweight and loose-fitting clothes made from breathable fabrics such as cotton or linen. This will help keep you cool and comfortable under the scorching sun.

While shorts and t-shirts may seem like an obvious choice, it's better to opt for long-sleeved shirts and pants that cover your arms and legs. This will not only offer protection against the sun but also prevent insect bites.

Since temperatures can drop quite drastically at night, carrying a light jacket or sweater would be a wise decision.

A hat or scarf is another essential item that should be worn throughout the trip to protect your head from direct sunlight. Additionally, sunglasses with UV protection are necessary to shield your eyes from the bright sun rays reflecting off sand dunes.

Wearing comfortable shoes with good traction is crucial as it can get slippery while walking over sand dunes. Avoid wearing sandals or flip flops that don't provide sufficient support for trekking through uneven terrain.

By following these simple clothing tips, you can enjoy an unforgettable experience without compromising on comfort or style!

How to Choose the Best Desert Safari in Dubai for You

When it comes to choosing a desert safari in Dubai, there are many options available. To make the best choice for you, consider what type of experience you want.

Firstly, decide on whether you prefer an adventurous or relaxed excursion. If you're looking for adrenaline-pumping experiences such as dune bashing and sandboarding, then choose a safari that offers these activities. However, if relaxation is more your thing and you want to enjoy the sunset amidst the serene atmosphere of the desert then opt for a less adventurous option.

Secondly, check out package deals which can offer added extras like BBQ dinner under starlit skies or even camel trekking tours in Dubai! These packages vary greatly so take time to research beforehand.

Thirdly, look at reviews online from previous customers who have experienced these safaris before. This will give insight into their experiences and may help guide your decision-making process.

Compare prices between different providers while also considering factors such as safety standards and tour guides' credentials before making your final decision.

In conclusion choosing a Desert Safari provider should be done with careful consideration but by keeping these tips in mind - adventurism vs relaxation preferences , comparing packages reviews online , ensuring quality safety measures - finding one that's perfect for both yourself budget won't be difficult at all!


After reading this article, it's clear that a desert safari in Dubai is an experience not to be missed. From camel trekking to dune bashing, there are so many unique activities offered on these tours.

When choosing the best desert safari for you, consider your preferences and interests. Are you looking for a more authentic Bedouin-style experience or something with added luxury? Do you want a longer tour or just a half-day option?

No matter what type of desert safari you choose, make sure to dress appropriately and bring plenty of water. And don't forget your camera – the stunning beauty of the Dubai desert is something that should be captured forever.

So why wait? Book your camel trekking Dubai adventure today and immerse yourself in the enchanting world of the Arabian Desert!

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