The ancient kingdom of valley

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The Kingdom of Valley was located near modern-day Islamabad, making it an easily accessible tourist destination for those interested in history. The ruins found at the site showcase a well-planned city with intricate buildings and streets that were ahead of their time.


The ancient Kingdom of Valley is a fascinating historical site in Pakistan. This ancient civilization dates back to the Indus Valley Civilization, one of the world's earliest urban civilizations that existed between 2600 BCE and 1900 BCE.

The Kingdom of Valley was located near modern-day Islamabad, making it an easily accessible tourist destination for those interested in history. The ruins found at the site showcase a well-planned city with intricate buildings and streets that were ahead of their time.

Archaeologists have discovered remarkable artifacts at this location, including pottery, jewelry, seals and figurines. These items provide insight into how people lived during that time period.

Visitors can explore the ruins of houses, temples and other public buildings to get a glimpse into what life was like during this period. Additionally, they can marvel at the remains of defensive walls which surrounded the kingdom valley Islamabad as protection from intruders.

Despite its age-old existence and destruction over centuries due to various reasons such as invasions or natural disasters; The Ancient Kingdom of Valley continues to be an awe-inspiring landmark that attracts tourists from all over Pakistan who are interested in learning about our rich cultural heritage.

The Valley of the Kings

The Valley of the Kings is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in ancient Egypt. Located on the west bank of the Nile River, this valley was once used as a royal burial site for pharaohs and other nobles during Egypt's New Kingdom period.

Visitors can explore several tombs within the valley, each adorned with intricate carvings and paintings that tell stories from Egyptian mythology. The most famous tomb is that of King Tutankhamun, which was discovered nearly intact in 1922 by British archaeologist Howard Carter.

While some tombs are open to visitors year-round, others may be closed due to ongoing restoration work or preservation efforts. It's always best to check ahead before planning your visit.

Despite its name, not all pharaohs were buried in the Valley of the Kings - some were interred at nearby sites such as Luxor Temple or Hatshepsut's Temple. However, this valley remains one of Egypt's most iconic historical sites and should definitely be on any traveler's itinerary when visiting kingdom valley Islamabad.

The Valley of the Queens

The Valley of the Queens, located on the west bank of the Nile River in Luxor, is an ancient burial site for royal wives and children. It was used during the 18th to 20th dynasties of Egypt's New Kingdom period.

The valley contains around 80 tombs, with many belonging to queens such as Nefertari and Tyti. These tombs are decorated with colorful paintings depicting scenes from daily life and religious beliefs.

One tomb that stands out is the Tomb of Amunherkhepshef, which belongs to one of Ramesses III's sons. Its walls are adorned with intricate carvings portraying various gods and goddesses.

Visitors can explore some open tombs in this valley, but others require a separate ticket for entry. The most popular ones include Queen Nefertari's tomb and Queen Titi's tomb.

The Valley of the Queens provides visitors with insight into ancient Egyptian customs surrounding death and burial practices while showcasing impressive artwork that has stood the test of time.

The Great Pyramid of Giza

The Great Pyramid of Giza is an awe-inspiring sight to behold. Located on the outskirts of Cairo, this ancient structure was built over 4,500 years ago and still stands today as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

The pyramid itself is made up of over two million limestone blocks that were quarried from nearby areas. Each block weighs several tons, making it a marvel in engineering and construction for its time.

Many theories exist about why the Great Pyramid was constructed, with some speculating it served as a tomb for pharaohs while others believe it held astronomical significance. Regardless, its precision and massive size continue to baffle historians and visitors alike.

Visitors can explore both the interior and exterior of the pyramid, though climbing to its summit is no longer allowed due to preservation efforts. Inside you'll find narrow passageways leading through chambers once used for burial rites and offerings.

If you're planning your trip to Kingdom Valley Islamabad, make sure not to miss out on visiting this incredible piece of human history at The Great Pyramid!

The Sphinx

The Sphinx is one of the most iconic and recognized monuments in Egypt. This massive limestone statue stands at 73 meters long, 20 meters wide and 20 meters high, making it an impressive sight to behold. It depicts a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human, believed by many to represent Pharaoh Khafre.

The Sphinx has been standing for over four thousand years, but much about its origins remains shrouded in mystery. Some historians believe that it was built during Pharaoh Khafre's reign around 2500 BC while others speculate that it may have been erected even earlier.

Regardless of its true origins, The Sphinx continues to fascinate people from all over the world who come to marvel at its sheer size and beauty. Over time, this magnificent monument has become one of Egypt's most popular tourist attractions.

Visitors can take guided tours or explore on their own as they gaze up at this awe-inspiring wonder. Whether you are interested in ancient history or simply looking for an unforgettable experience on your trip to Kingdom Valley Islamabad, The Sphinx should definitely be on your list!

How to get there

Getting to Kingdom Valley in Islamabad is relatively easy, as the city is well-connected by air, rail and road. The most convenient way of getting there is by air, with flights arriving at Benazir Bhutto International Airport from major cities around the world.

Once you arrive at the airport, you can hire a taxi or take public transportation to reach your destination. Taxis are available outside the airport terminal building and offer a comfortable and hassle-free journey to Kingdom Valley.

If you prefer travelling by train, then Rawalpindi Railway Station is located just 30 minutes away from Kingdom Valley. From here, you can take a local bus or hire a taxi to reach your desired location.

For those who enjoy long drives, it's possible to drive all the way from Lahore or Karachi via National Highway N5 that connects these two cities with Islamabad. You can also rent cars for self-drive journeys if you wish to explore on your own terms.

Getting to Kingdom Valley in Islamabad should be an enjoyable experience whether traveling alone or with friends and family!


The ancient Kingdom of Valley is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in history and culture. With its fascinating attractions like the Valley of Kings and Queens, the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Sphinx, and numerous temples such as Karnak and Luxor, this region has something to offer for everyone.

Moreover, with its easy accessibility from Islamabad through air or road transportations, it's an ideal destination for tourists seeking adventure while enjoying nature at its best.

So if you're planning to visit Pakistan anytime soon or looking for a new travel experience altogether - make sure to add Kingdom Valley on your list!

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