Drama and Its Elements

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This Article Written & Published By DearIshq

Drama is a literary term derived from Greek language means action. It can be defined, "drama is an action that is performed on the stage along with characters before the audience. " Its beginning is adhered to Greek religion as acting before god for making him pleasant. They mostly wrote tragedies and comedies. In English literature, its beginning is, too, linked to religious drama____liturgy plays, mystery plays, miracle plays, morality plays, tragedies, comedies and the modern plays. The modern era divides it into full length plays and short plays.

The following are the most important elements of drama:

01. Stage
It is the most important element and without it the drama is never performed. It is the name of place where on the drama is acted. it is shaped like bow with various doors for entrance and exit. The characters come from one door, perform their roles and exit from other doors. if we think it broadly we find two stages, one is for characters and other is for audience but The audience stage is different. The audience watches drama and extols the actors. The acting is watched from both sides. one has full action;where as the other has full reaction expressed in words, gestures and feelings rolling the different ideas in audience minds.

02. Plot
It is the pact of events. The writer makes idea into his mind with out lines from whom he makes the story. So plot is the series of events or actions those are collected and the story is made. The dramatist divides plot or events into three different parts____ exposition, middle or body and denouement.

i. Introduction or Exposition: It is found or placed in the first act or beginning of the drama. There in all the characters and the main issue on that the drama is written are introduced to the audience. The audience easily understands the relations and the movement of drama. It is a great help for him to render positive and negative feelings to the actors according to categories. The main problem is acquainted and developed entering to the body of the drama.

ii. Middle or Body: In this realm conflicts, rising action and falling actions take place. It is the body of the drama, hero and villain come face to face and speed their thoughts or tricks whether they are positive or not. In it the audience gets familiarity to internal and external conflict of main characters. The internal conflict is between the hero and his conscience, where as the external conflict is between the hero and the villain. Both fight or try to knock down each other. Their tussle reaches the peak and now it has to fall down to the end. It means all conflicts and problems come on the stage for solution, but in body they are not solved.

iii. Denouement: It is the stage of catharsis or solution of problems. As Shakespeare supports the statement that virtue is rewarded and vice is punished. On this stage is the falling down of all actions. Here conflicts are resolved and after that the characters as well as the audience tension is released. They all go to the previous level.

03. Character
Story is carried on by characters. The dramatist takes characters of all class--- hero, heroin, villain attendants etc. But the major focus remains on the main characters as hero, heroin, villain etc. A good series of characters is found, earning feelings from the audience by acting Dear Ishq Online. The struggle of actors or all characters add help or work to the hero. The hero has to perform hazardous or adventurous actions and for him the other minor or major characters make his aim achievable. By this means, the hero succeeds to eradicate evils from the society.

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