New trends in software development

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With the world market's continued appetite for technological innovation, the future of software development has looked bright for years.

Software development processes and methods are constantly evolving due to the high rate of technological change. New trends such as low-code, no-code and DevOps are changing the way professionals develop, deploy and manage software and software platforms.

At the same time, changes in the processes and methods of software development are accelerating the pace of development of the technology sector itself. An organization that doesn't keep up with new trends in software development risks becoming obsolete.

As the field of software development is in constant flux due to a range of factors—the changing technology landscape, globalization, growing consumer and business demands, and market trends—software developers must upgrade their skills to stay competitive throughout their careers.

New Software Development Trends You Should Know:
1. Development of cloud applications
Cloud application development is a software development trend that involves building and running applications in distributed computing environments (called "clouds"). It provides organizations with a streamlined approach to building and updating applications while maintaining quality and minimizing risk.
2. Artificial intelligence (AI)
The McKinsey 2021 State of AI in Business report states that 56% of organizations have adopted AI. The report points to the growing impact of AI technologies in four key areas that can directly affect an organization's bottom line: service operations, product and/or service development, marketing and sales, and risk.
3. Blockchain technology
Blockchain is a digital ledger distributed over the nodes of a computer network. Blockchains can be described as databases, but they have a different structure. While a database usually organizes data into tables and grows in size as more information is stored in it, a blockchain structures data into blocks that contain a limited amount of information. When the block's storage capacity is reached, it is closed. This block is then linked to the previously filled block, and the blocks are linked together to form a chain of blocks.
4. Automation
The main advantage of automation is that it minimizes human involvement. Automation technologies can help manufacturers identify anomalies in production or support financial institutions in the fight against fraudulent transactions. This gives people more time to work on more rewarding activities and increase productivity, which is a key driver of economic growth.

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