The Link Between Vitamin D and Mental Health

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Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that plays a key role in maintaining immunity, and heart, brain, and bone health. To know more read full blog .

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that plays a key role in maintaining immunity, and heart, brain, and bone health, but is there any association between depression and Vitamin D? There is growing scientific evidence of a direct correlation between low Vitamin D levels and mental health. Also, it has been observed that low Vitamin D levels in pregnancy are linked with postpartum depression. However, scientists found its low levels in patients with multiple sclerosis, gout, stroke, and spinal cord injuries. Hence, it is important to maintain vitamin D levels in the blood for good mental health. The Vitamin D test in Delhi evaluates Vitamin D levels in the body.

Symptoms of low Vitamin D levels

The deficiency of Vitamin D levels may result in various signs linked with depression that are discussed below:

  • Forgetfulness
  • Unexplained tiredness
  • Mood alterations like the emotion of sadness and hopelessness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Loss of concentration
  • Lethargy
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Anxiety and depression

If you exhibit any such symptoms, get your levels checked. If you are living in Mumbai,  schedule a Vitamin D blood test in Delhi and consult a doctor for appropriate treatment and preventive measures. 

Relation between mental health and lack of Vitamin D

If the doctor has identified Vitamin D deficiency as a cause of depression then the supplementation may decrease symptoms of depression. The elderly, obese people, and adolescents have a high probability of depression and its deficiency. It has been observed that people who spend less time outside are more susceptible to suffering from its low levels. Hence, the clinician often suggests depressed people indulge in outdoor activities. Also, increasing exposure to the Sun, taking supplements enriched with Vitamin D, and consuming food items fortified with Vitamin D may help to restore its levels. The levels can be determined with a Vitamin D lab test in Delhi

Who are at risk of Vitamin D deficiency?

  • People living far from the equator and having dark skin
  • Suffering from illnesses like celiac, liver disorder, and chronic kidney disease
  • Old people
  • Individuals tend to live indoors and have limited exposure to the sun
  • Obese people 

The Vitamin D daily recommended dose is 600 IU which can vary as per your medical condition and age. If you are detected with low Vitamin D levels, the doctor will prescribe supplements and other preventive measures. Furthermore, it is essential to include Vitamin D food items in your diet. The best sources are egg yolks, mushrooms, dairy products, yogurt, Vitamin D-fortified breakfast cereals, and Salmon fish.  

There is a strong relationship between Vitamin D deficiency and mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. It creates problems in performing daily activities and worsens the overall quality of life. Therefore, monitor your Vitamin D levels by scheduling the test from Redcliffe Labs, the fastest and leading pathology lab in India. 

The Vitamin D price in Delhi is pocket-friendly as you will get accurate reports on time and samples are analyzed according to NABL and ISO protocols. Also, phlebotomists collect samples from your home, and reports are delivered to your registered email id. 

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