What is IoT?

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In this article you will know about what is IoT.

What is IoT?

IoT, or The term "Internet of Things", describes the entire system of linked gadgets and the technology that enables communication between them and the cloud. The number of devices currently using the Internet has reached billions due to the development of low-cost computer chips and high-bandwidth telephony. This implies that commonplace gadgets like vacuum cleaners, cars, and robots employ sensors to gather data and respond wryly to consumers. Join GST Training in Chennai at FITA Academy to learn more about IoT.


The Internet of Items links everyday "things" to the internet. Computer engineers have embedded sensors and CPUs into everyday objects since the 1990s. However, the heavy and massive chips initially made progress difficult. Tiny RFID tags, and low-power computer chips, were initially employed to track expensive machinery. These processors evolved throughout time to become smaller, quicker, and brighter as computer devices shrunk.


The cost of incorporating processing power into small items has significantly decreased in recent years. For instance, you can give MCUs with less than 1MB embedded RAM, such as those used in light switches, and communication with Alexa voice service capabilities. The goal of outfitting our homes, businesses, and offices with IoT devices has given rise to an entire sector. Automatic data transmission to and from the Internet is possible with these intelligent objects. The term "Internet of Things" refers to collecting all these "invisible computing devices" and related technologies.


The Internet of things offers a wide range of applications, as was already mentioned. Most likely, you regularly utilise IoT devices. You might be familiar with IoT gadgets like self-driving cars, smart thermostats and kitchen appliances, fitness monitoring wearables, and home security systems. Pacemakers and other personal medical equipment are examples of IoT gadgets. With the Hands-On Internet of Things online specialisation from the University of Colorado Boulder, you can learn more about IoT networks and devices and even construct your own.



I hope this article will let you know about what IoT is. There are many interesting things to know about IoT technology, and keeping updated with the latest discovery is vital. IoT is one of the important technology for learning to know more about devices which are connected with the internet.

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