Bikini Laser Hair Removal — 12 Facts To Know

التعليقات · 23 الآراء

At Dadu Medical Centre, Best Dermatologist in Delhi, offers the best technology for hair removal using the advanced lasers. These lasers are safe and offer best outcomes to the patients.

People have been seeking ways to get rid of unsightly hair on their body or facial areas, since the beginning of time for different reasons. Fortunately, it’s no wonder that they have come up with countless clever hair removal methods, be it for hygiene reasons or aesthetic purposes.

Hair growth is important on some body parts but there are certain body areas where males or females won’t like to see hair. Today, many known hair removal methods have been in use for many years including shaving, waxing, tweezing, or use of depilatory creams but they come with some drawbacks. So, what is the best alternative? It's medical-grade laser hair removal that helps one achieve silky-smooth, hair-free skin for a long time!

At Dadu Medical Centre, Best Dermatologist in Delhi, offers the best technology for hair removal using the advanced lasers. These lasers are safe and offer best outcomes to the patients.

Most women who love to wear bikinis during summers or swimsuits can find it challenging to keep their bikini line tidy so that they can flaunt themselves and look perfect for the beach/pool or in photos! For many women, the ultimate beauty goal is to remove unwanted hair peeping into their intimate areas without any shaving rashes, irritated skin, and ingrown hair. Well, this is achievable by bikini laser hair removal that could eradicate bikini hair once and for all.

Bikini laser hair removal is a non-surgical technique that focuses high-intensity light through a medical-grade laser device so that it is absorbed by the melanin (colored pigment) within the hair follicle. This damages the unwanted hair roots and prevents their further growth or leads to thinning or lightening of hair.   If a woman has been debating bikini laser hair removal, she has come to the right place.  Before investing in bikini laser hair removal, she must get her facts straight. In this article Dr. Nivedita Dadu, skin and laser doctor in Delhi at Dadu Medical centre talks about 12 facts about bikini laser hair removal that one must be aware of prior to getting it done 

1.     The procedure may sound painful, but it isn’t too bad.

Laser hair removal is not as painful as waxing. It results in some amount of discomfort or a quick, sharp pain which some people report as if a hot rubber band is snapped against the skin. Thankfully, there is a cooling system attached to the laser device that constantly runs cold blasts of hair directly at the point where laser light is being directed during the treatment. This helps in soothing the skin. If needed, the candidate can get their treatment area numbed with a local anaesthetic. The bikini area has sensitive skin, so compared to other body areas laser hair removal tends to be more painful here. But, it’s tolerable! 

2.     It’s important to shave or trim the hair before going for lasers.

If laser hair removal is tried on long hair, the lasers can react with the hair on the skin’s surface and result in some irritation and even burn the hair. So to make them as short as possible without affecting the hair roots beneath the skin, shaving is recommended 24 hours prior to the treatment. 

3.     There are different styles of Bikini Laser Hair removal. 

The main 3 styles of bikini laser hair removal that one can try include:

  • Regular Bikini- It is the most straightforward style that removes hair along the standard-cut bikini bottoms. Typically, a hair-free bikini line would also include the removal of hair extending from the bikini line to the upper thigh, belly button area, and buttocks. 
  • Australian Bikini- It is also known as a landing strip. It takes care of the removal of hair only in the genital area and between the buttocks. 
  • Brazilian Bikini- It is the most in-depth type of bikini laser hair removal involving eliminating all hair such as the pubic area and between the buttocks. There are two options: Standard and Full Brazilian.

4.     Bikini laser hair removal is not meant for everyone.

Bikini Laser Hair Removal works best on dark hair as it has pigment that is necessary for the laser to target. Skin colour also plays a role in the type of laser being used. This can be discussed and evaluated by the doctor beforehand to check for candidacy. It is also important that the candidate must not be having any active infections, rashes, or open wounds in the bikini area. Those who have active tans and previously had Accutane or electrolysis are also not allowed to undergo the treatment. Lastly, the candidate is eligible if she is overall healthy and has realistic expectations. 

5.     It works on all skin tones. 

For successful hair removal by lasers, it’s important to have dark enough hair in contrast to lighter skin. This doesn’t mean dark-skinned people cannot have bikini laser hair removal. The good news is, they can use advanced laser hair removal technology. 


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