Want To Know A Time-Saving Hack To Develop & Launch A Crypto Exchange Fast?

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Don’t let your competitors win!– White label crypto exchange software is easy to develop, cost-effective, and time-saving. Want to enter the crypto market instantly? Seize the benefits of white label exchange software now! Read the blog to know more!

The pain of ideating and developing a whole cryptocurrency exchange platform from scratch is that it will consume ¾ of your time in a year. Luckily, it is possible to do this long task within a month in a low-budget range. You should hand over credits to white label crypto exchange platforms for making this “dream come true.” 


White Label Solutions Is For Startups– Seriously?

Can you believe it? Most startups with a small budget can make use of this excellent opportunity to save their pockets. However, this is not solely for startups. This is for all the tech-savvy minds that constantly make wise investments, especially in cost-effective ones. 


Do you like to know the intent behind this move?– White-label exchange platforms require only a few customizations, and then you are ready to compete in the market. Also, it has numerous benefits like advanced security, reliability, and cost-effectiveness. Thus, it is an optimal option for those who like to show a smashing instant entry into the crypto business environment. 


Let me dive into the blog to discuss in a detailed manner about white-label cryptocurrency exchange software. 


Constituents of a white label crypto software

As white label crypto exchange is a readymade, easy-to-integrate, and seamlessly operating trading platform, you no longer need to start the development process from the grassroots level. It is designed specifically with a beginner-friendly interface, high-end security, and customization. You can incorporate essential features such as automated order matching, automated market making (AMM), liquidity management tools, real-time market data insights, API integration, third-party wallet integration, and more. 


Here is a bonus tip from my side. Check out some best features you should consider adding to your exchange platform. They are an in-built wallet, liquidity API, launchpad, margin trading, admin panel, payment gateway, KYC AML verification, client referral program, matching engine, 2-factor authentication (2FA), and more. 


You can integrate P2P transfers, transaction fee management, dispute control, etc., for a business edge. Besides, you can customize the appearance of the software according to your brand’s unique needs. 


How to launch your crypto exchange platform?

First, you have to install the software on your server or from the cloud. After setting up and configuring your exchange, you can launch it live to your end users. You can obtain maintenance and support from a leading White Label Crypto Exchange Development Company to ensure good performance and to integrate the latest security features and compliance needs.


Now, A Big Question Time!

Do you know why you should invest in white-label exchange software?– The crypto user base grew 190% more between 2018 - 2020. As per the statistics, the cryptocurrency market is growing daily, showing signs of more and more growth and user onboarding into the market. Thus, it evolves into a perfect playground for business people. 


I hope I have provided you with some necessary information you might need to know before starting your crypto exchange business. So, that’s it! All the best!

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