Know Why Having a Sluggish Website Will Leave You Behind In The Race of Seo services maryland

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A sluggish loading page can be considered a chronic disease for your website online

If your website takes more than 3 seconds to load, it's a red flag that you might have yet to notice but can harm your website in several ways. A sluggish loading page can be considered a chronic disease for your website online, you might not see its effects at the initial stages, but it seriously impacts your website's traffic and ranking, which are undeniably important if you want to see your website in relevant searches. 


Don’t look from the perspective of a local SEO services provider. SEO is just not about infusing high-ranking keywords with quality content; that's the first step. But your content is only worthwhile if your customers or potential readers can access it. Customers are quite impatient; hence, maintaining your website's loading speed has become relevant for providing better value and a user experience. 


If your website is also snail-walking and you're looking for a solution, you have landed on the right page. Here we'll spotlight the primary breakers hindering your website's loading speed and how to make your site load like swoosh! We'll also tell you why you must partner with the best SEO company calgary to resolve this issue. 


What Is A Slow-loading Website?

You can determine if your website is slow-loading if it takes more than 3 seconds to load or display its content completely on your screen. It is characterised by delays in loading various elements such as text, images, videos, scripts, and interactive features. There can be various reasons making your website loading slow, such as-

  • Heavy content 
  • Server issues 
  • Network issues 
  • Poorly optimised code
  • Third-party plugins and scripts 

The webpage loading speed is calculated in different ways, and it contains several elements, which include the following- 


Time To First Byte (TTFB) 

It shows the total time your website takes to load the first byte of information. 


Time To Interactive (TTI) 

It shows the total amount of time your website takes to load your page's interactive elements on the screen. \

First contentful paint (FCP)

How long does the first element of content take to load on your website? That could be text, an image (even a background image), or svg.


Why Is Page Speed Important? 

Page speed is the most integral aspect of SEO operations that most business owners need to notice. But underestimating your website loading speed will wash out every strategy of even the best SEO company Calgary. Hence, addressing poorly loading web pages is important if you want to improve your rankings, user experience, and conversion rate. Here you partner with the seo services Maryland that knows the exact nerve of a poorly landing page and fixes it in no time. 


Page Speed And User Experience 

Page speed and customer user experience are interlinked. You have 3 seconds to make or break success for your brand online, as customers don't have much time to get acquainted with your brand or product online. Another reason, customers have more and more options available online. That page speed is a part of Google's algorithm. Your page will not get indexed on search engines if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. 


What Is A Good Page Speed? 

The good ranking speed is counted as 3 seconds or less. But if we see it from an SEO perspective, it depends on what type of website you have and what type of content you have on your website. People don't wait for a site to load fully; make sure also important things should get visible first. 

For example- If you're running an e-commerce platform- your website should load images of your collection first. This will anchor customers' attention, and they will find it worth waiting for your website to load fully. 

Contact us now! 

If you think all this information is too hard to digest for you and you need an extra set of hands to resolve this issue, then we are here for you. We are the top seo services company in Bristol. We are a team of the best SEO experts, which makes us the best advertising agency in Bristol. 


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