ESA for kids: everything parents must know 

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ESAs can be incredibly beneficial for children who may be struggling with anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues. They provide comfort, companionship, and a sense of security that can be difficult to find elsewhere.



There is no specific age when a person will suffer from mental issues. Even kids can fall for these illnesses in modern times. I say modern times as there are so many distractions, competition, and many other things that can play with a child’s mind. Eventually, they might need to be rehabilitated and their growth could be hindered. There is a need to have the right therapy to minimize the issues as the effects can be long-lasting if not mitigated early.

As parents, we understand that you want the best for your children, including their mental and emotional wellbeing. That's why realesaletter is here to help you navigate the process of obtaining an emotional support animal (ESA) for your child.

ESAs can be incredibly beneficial for children who may be struggling with anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues. They provide comfort, companionship, and a sense of security that can be difficult to find elsewhere.

Here are some things that parents must know when considering an ESA for their child:

  1. ESAs require a letter from a licensed mental health professional to be considered legitimate.
  2. ESAs do not require any specific training or certification, but they must behave appropriately in public.
  3. Schools and other public places may have specific rules and regulations regarding ESAs.
  4. Parents should consider their child's needs and preferences when choosing an ESA.
  5. ESAs can provide valuable emotional support, but they are not a substitute for professional mental health treatment.

At, our licensed mental health professionals are dedicated to providing reliable and ethical support to parents and their children. We understand the unique needs of families and can help guide you through the process of obtaining an ESA for your child.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you and your child experience the many benefits of having an emotional support animal.

 Kids love pets, so why not get them an ESA. There are many choices that a child can choose from. The main aim is to ensure that the child snaps out of the issue. There is often just the need to have the right pep-talk and attitude to get the kids back to their normal selves. The emotional support provided can do the trick as kids might be afraid of people in extreme cases. The main thing with kids is that parents should know the details of having an ESA. An ESA letter shall provide the right basis for keeping the ESA while the knowledge is imperative. Here is what you need to know.


  • Children are often not inclined towards bigger ESAs. This could be just a personal preference as even bigger animals are really friendly. Find out about the choice of the animal that your child might prefer. This is one of the joys of having an ESA.
  • A child might not be emotionally stable when it is around an animal or even in general. Their habits can make the animal agitated and then they can behave irregularly. Try to be with your child when they are in the company of the animal. 
  • If a child is emotionally unstable and faces any mental disorder, there might be a certain level of difficulty in getting along with anyone. If the animal is alone with the child, the child might not be the most welcoming and may hurt the animal. In such cases, it is really important to teach the child and monitor the progress so that the child gets along well with the animal. Another thing that can save the child is the emotional support animal letter. It can help develop the right bond with the animal so that it may never part with the kid.
  • You must know exactly the issue that the child is facing. Get your child checked by a therapist or a mental health expert. You can also do an online consultation. It would make sure that you know that the animal is the right choice for the child. There are other therapies and could be potentially dangerous. So it is best to have the right evaluation.
  • In general, animals are a huge responsibility and not just show pieces. They have to be treated with kindness, they have to be made a part of the family and they have to be taken care of. If the child is able to understand this, then it's great. If not, you can lend a hand in helping them get to the right start and enjoy the animal.
  • Children may not be aware of the safe way to do things with respect to an animal. For example, how and when to feed them, how to play with them, what toys are the best, and what might be the wrong things to do with the animal. It is the duty of the parent to develop such awareness for the child so that they can develop the right relationship with the animal.
  • Give the animal and the child some time with each other and let them get along. As more and more time is spent, both get accustomed to each other and secure a special relationship. Such a transition also helps to develop trust within both kids and animals, and there are no uncomfortable feelings between the two.


Animals are living and breathing creatures. They are not something that can be taken for granted. It is very likely that your child will develop a lovely relationship with their ESA. But the judgment can be hindered with mental disorders and the child might not know the perfect ways to manage such situations. Teach the child certain things that can help them be secure around the animal. Getting an ESA letter for housing is also vital. Teach children regarding its importance and allow them to carry it with them. This would develop a sense of responsibility within them and they will not want to part with their pet.


One thing that parents never want is to see the child sad and in despair. This can happen if they are forced to part with the animal. ESAs do not function like that and you need their constant support. But there are situations when keeping the ESA might be a difficult task. This happens in rental accommodation, hotels, shared rooms, and airlines. For accommodations, the letter is enough. The landlord cannot press you about details. They cannot deny you the right to have the ESA unless there are significant issues. There are also hotels and restaurants that allow animals now as well.


The letters are also customizable. You can simply ask the service provider to add the right details about the animal. Eventually, the more accurate the letter, the more reliable it shall be. Check all the relevant details and contact the service provider if anything is out of place.

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